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Delegate Statement

Heyy all, We are DAOplomats, a governance-as-a-service organization that helps DAOs with their governance, treasury management, grants programs, and community-building initiatives. We established and run the governance department at BanklessDAO and a Recognized Delegate Program at 1inchDAO [Link 1 2]. We are now working on the 1inch Grants Program [Link 2].

Our Values

Objective Decision-Making: We design and implement decision-making frameworks that enable us to perform qualitative and quantitative analysis to arrive at conclusions.

Decentralization: We believe in highly distributed power structures and strive to push decision-making power to the edges.

Positive Sum: We strive to make our interactions positive whenever possible to allow the maximum number of stakeholders to benefit via collaboration.

Cross DAO Collaboration and Building Strong DAOlationships: We aspire to narrow the gap between DAOs by fostering cross-DAO collaboration. We aim to build robust and cooperative relationships, termed “DAOlationships,” that transcend individual DAO boundaries. DAOplomats are active governance participants in numerous DAOs, including 1inch and Bankless. We aim to leverage our human capital to build positive-sum relations between DAOs, thus enabling us to collectively address shared challenges and opportunities in the DeFi space.

DISCLOSURE Our members are active governors in the DAO space, such as SafeDAO, Euler, 1inch, Vita DAO, Collab.land, BanklessDAO, etc. We will disclose potential conflicts of interest in our rationale whenever applicable.

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